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Recording macros in VIM

Notes published the
2 - 3 minutes to read, 558 words

This is a short introduction to how to use vim macros, also known as records. (Not to be confused with Vim records)

A macro is a sequence of commands that can be saved, edited, and applied to a file.

Vim makes it actually very easy to create and apply such records.


For recording a macro:

  • Type, in normal mode, q followed by another letter of your choice to start recording.

  • Do whatever needs to be done; remove, add, and transform text.

  • Type, again in normal mode, press q to stop recording.

As a reference, the letter typed after q is the register where the macro is saved.

For applying a macro:

  • Type @ and the chosen register to apply the recording

  • Type @ @ to apply the last recording

  • Type n @ @ or n @ and the chosen register to apply recording n times

An example

As an example, consider the following text file

Hello World
test a b c
b c a tes
a b rem c d
no asd asd

It is possible to replace test with rem with the following commands in the terminal ( with a POSIX-like shell, such as bash, PowerShell, or even cmd):

vi file<enter>

The commands are, literally:

  • vi file<enter>: open the file with a vi-like editor

  • qa: initiate recording on register a

  • /test<enter>: find the text "test"

  • de: delete until the end of the word

  • i: enter insertion mode

  • rem: write rem

  • <esc>: enter command mode

  • q: stop recording

  • @a: replay macro

  • 3@@: replay macro other three times

  • ZZ: save and close

In this case, a global substitute is simpler, shorter, faster, less error-prone, and more robust:

vi file<enter>

but that’s not the point. Macros can be used for codifying more complex actions, or simple actions until one discovers there is another, simpler way to do them.

View a macro

Just show the content of the register. Supposing the macro has been recorded in register a, use :reg to show all registers, or :reg a.

edit recording

Just like macros can be created on the fly, it is possible to edit them (also on the fly). This is particularly useful if the macro is complex enough and has a little error that repeating all the actions from the start would need more time than editing the existing one.

Supposing the macro has been recorded in register a

  • Type :let @a=' in normal mode (do not press ↵ Enter!)

  • Press Ctrl+R Ctrl+R A to insert the current contents of register a.

  • Edit the text as required, for example from :let @a='/test^Mdeirem^[<80><fd>a to :let @a='/test^Mdeiremoved^[<80><fd>a

  • Add a trailing ' to finish the command

  • press ↵ Enter

persisting a macro

Neovim (and vim since version 8 AFAIK) stores all macros in its cache. Thus without any intervention, it is possible to close and reopen the editor and continue to use the created macro.

Like it is possible to edit a macro, it is also possible to store it in the configuration file, by writing :let @a='my awesome macro'

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