Fekir's Blog
About Me
2023-07-31 : Dependency injection in CMake
2023-06-01 : CMake, MSVC, and Ninja
2023-04-03 : Blacklist dependencies in CMake
2022-07-04 : Toolchain file in CMake
2022-03-04 : Analyze configure times with CMake
2021-12-10 : Toolbox of a GNU/Linux C++ programmer
2021-07-16 : CMake, custom targets, and commands
2021-05-28 : Clang-tidy on Windows
2020-08-17 : Library dependency graphs in CMake
2019-12-17 : Docker process creation overhead when compiling
2019-09-23 : Test failures in C++
2018-11-20 : Deprecate and delete