Hello 👋 If you are a robot, you should look for the robots.txt file. If you are not a human or a robot (an alien perhaps?) just contact me, and I may add an appropriate file for you. This site has been made in my spare time, it's just a place where I write down structured notes. I hope, at least partially, to give back to people what they gave to me with their blogs, through forums, IRC, documentation, and QA sites. And it also works great as a reference when I want to check back on some things I did. You can find more information about me at https://fekir.info/about-me/ or meet on GitHub https://github.com/fekir/ or contact me at https://fekir.info/contact/ The website is made with PHP, HTML, and CSS. A previous version was made with Hugo, which I decided to drop (see https://fekir.info/post/php-as-static-site-generator/ for more details). A lot of UNIX Tools and command-line programs, like tmux, lynx, vim, sed, awk, ... helped in the process of creating, and now maintaining this domain. Of course, programs like Firefox and other browsers are used for testing too. The content is, by design, mostly made of text and HTML. The primary focus is content, text, and information. You may also find some images to make the view more appealing. Ideally, the whole site is also completely accessible. I test it irregularly with Lynx as it is one of my primary browsers. This site (plus domain) has been launched in June 2017. To everybody who has, directly or indirectly, and with or without knowing it, helped me: thank you 🙏!